St. John's College Levan Hall
Santa Fe, NM
The new Betty and Norman Levan Hall houses the College’s two graduate programs, as well as classrooms, faculty offices, a multi-purpose faculty meeting room, and a student common space. The 500-seat Lecture Hall allows the student body and faculty to meet in one place, as well as allow the community to attend lectures, concerts and films. A new Art Gallery also serves as both a pre-function space for the Lecture Hall and as a connector between the Fine Arts Building and Meem Library. The new building defines and enhances a previously under-utilized courtyard, the Meem Placita. The project achieved LEED Gold certification.
Photography: Frank Ooms
This project exhibits great design and sensitivity to context. It has an efficient floor plan design that reflects a well thought out building program. Its use of materials, daylight and texture creates a pleasant environment for study. It has a variety of learning spaces that provide for individual and group study.
Juror, AIA Committee of Architecture for Education Awards





AIA San Antonio Citation Award
AIA Committee of Architecture for Education Award