
We have developed the videos below as a vehicle for sharing the Lake|Flato story, ethos and culture. These brief vignettes celebrate our design roots in connecting to the landscape which inspire us at every turn. They pay tribute to our relationships with visionary collaborators seeking not just a building structure, but an integral community presence where the lines between indoor and outdoor are fluid and design is thoughtful and experiential. And they demonstrate the vibrant DNA we enjoy as a family of design artists that emphasizes collaborative leadership, creative talent and community involvement—all contributing to a unique culture that has remained the cornerstone of the firm.

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    The messages and themes are genuine and a true reflection of the work, people and culture of Lake|Flato. Perhaps that's what I have enjoyed the most about the videos — their authenticity.
    Kim E. Shinn, PE, LEED Fellow, CxA, BEMP
    Principal, TLC Engineering for Architecture, Inc.


    Lake|Flato at 40: Transforming our San Antonio Office


    Lake|Flato Office Transformation

    Lake|Flato Office Transformation

    Respecting the Land: Lake|Flato Houses


    Respecting the Land: Lake|Flato Houses

    Respecting the Land: Lake|Flato Houses

    Austin Central Library: A Building Shaped by Light


    Austin Central Library: A Building Shaped by Light

    Austin Central Library: A Building Shaped by Light

    Nature as Inspiration: Confluence Park


    Nature as Inspiration: Confluence Park

    Nature as Inspiration: Confluence Park

    Pearl Brewery: The Creation of a District


    Pearl Brewery: The Creation of a District

    Pearl Brewery: The Creation of a District

    Francis Parker School: Innovative Education Model


    Francis Parker School: Innovative Education Model

    Francis Parker School: Innovative Education Model

    Indian Springs School: Learning Through Living


    Indian Springs School: Learning Through Living

    Indian Springs School: Learning Through Living

    Hotel San Jose: A Transformation


    Hotel San Jose: A Transformation

    Hotel San Jose: A Transformation

    Porch House: A Modular Approach


    Lake|Flato: Porch House

    Lake|Flato: Porch House

    Inventing Architecture: The 3-D Printed House Zero


    Inventing Architecture: The 3-D Printed House Zero

    Inventing Architecture: The 3-D Printed House Zero

    Lake|Flato: Our Story


    Lake|Flato: The Story

    Lake|Flato: The Story

    Lake|Flato: Our Culture


    Lake|Flato: Our Culture

    Lake|Flato: Our Culture

    Flake Lato: An Enduring Tradition


    Flake Lato

    Flake Lato