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Better Know an LF'er: Jamie Sartory
Posted by sierrahaight on 3/7/13 at 9:00 am
"Jamie’s spirit animal is the Rabbit: she is good-natured, alert, and spontaneous. While landing a magnificent triple Salchow as a girl, Jamie made the brash decision that an easy road to celebrity via sequins and eyeshadow was not for her. The daughter of a culinary guru, Jamie learned to trust her taste and intuition, elevating the lowliest hoagie to haute cuisine by layering kettle chips between the cheese and tomato. She discovered that you can bypass vocational school, pursue an architecture degree over half a decade, and STILL emerge a master welder. Jamie’s journey away from the call of the ice, the halls of Cordon Bleu and the wilds of Alabama finally led her happily to Lake|Flato, where she is a master of communicating digitally – in graphics and sound bites. Here the Rabbit teaches us to overcome design timidity with a brave attitude, starting every day with this mantra:" -Cameron Smith
Hometown: Hyde Park, New York
Years at LF: 1 year
Current Project: Montessori School of San Antonio, Witte Museum
Favorite LF Project: Government Canyon and Lucky Boy
Achilles Heel: Gin and Tonics/ chips and soda
Happiest Place: Istabul, Turkey
Memorable Book: The Missing Piece by Shel Silverstein
Prized Possession: My hard-drives - I would die if something happened to them.
Current Obsession: Brussel sprouts and Director Paul Thomas Anderson
Last Accomplishment: Renewing my love of painting and drawing
Favorite Thing about San Antonio: Ease of life, and my dad's fridge
Fate or Chance: Chance. Doi!