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LF is Already Missing Patrick (and even the push-ups)
Posted by csmith on 8/4/15 at 5:29 pm
Patrick is the type of person who elevates everyone around him. Not only is he a great teammate at work — extremely dependable and thorough, with enough positive energy to rub off on the whole team — but he is also just a wonderful human being. He has a sense of curiosity and adventure about all facets of life and happily shares his discoveries with everyone, getting us excited about a novel architectural product or a fantastic dark chocolate bar or a new type of push-up. And he maintains a steady, seemingly stress-free tranquility in his personality that I could only hope to emulate! I will sincerely miss our daily team chats, snacking, and workouts, but I am thrilled that he is off to the biggest adventures yet — getting married and living away from Texas! Hopefully those adventures come full circle and we’ll all learn from them when he comes back in a few years.
-- Ashley Hereen
Hometown: Houston, Texas
Years at LF: 3 years
Favorite LF Project: Georgia Tech Engineered Biosystems Building
Achilles Heel: Mediterranean Food
Happiest Place: Going on an adventure, paired with returning home
Memorable Book: “Manalive” by G.K. Chesterton
Prized Possession: My wedding band
Current Obsession: Planning my wedding in Texas, honeymoon in Norway, and move to Washington State
Last Accomplishment: Finishing my Architect Registration Examinations in 7 months!
Favorite Thing about San Antonio: Lake|Flato and all the great people here
Fate or Chance: Free Will and Divine Grace